pb logo for webHamilton Playbox an amateur theatre society founded in 1933 is looking for local directors to forward their proposal for plays for consideration by the committee.

Full details should be submitted including:

The Synopsis
Set out the theme of the play, the setting, and a short resumé in order to succinctly describe the overall plot.

The Characters
Set out the characters, age group, and any other aspects required by both the playwright and director.

Description of how Play is to be staged
This should describe in detail the set required and how this is to be staged, ie. Off centre, in the round, single-story, box set. Other aspects should be included – props, costume, time frame, lighting, sound and additional extras, ie. ‘no surprises’.

Directors Experience
A brief CV should be included setting out previous and present experience in theatre and drama together with any other associated aspects.

Target Audience
Set out a brief description of the type of audience expected to enjoy this production.

Time Slot Requested
Playbox Theatre usually presents three major productions per year – March/April, June and October.

Summarise any of the aspects previously mentioned as well as any other points not fully covered under the headings.

Play submissions can be sent to Hamilton Playbox by one of the following methods:

Mail to...
Hamilton Playbox
PO Box 24-043
Hamilton 3253

Email to...
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